Perfect Marriage

Healthy Relationship; This is a relationship that is filled with love, understanding, tolerance, affection and bliss, which pave way for joy, peace, happiness, forgiveness and friendship. It is a a relationship that is free from ill feelings. On the other hand, an unhealthy relationship is the complete opposite of all these. Some relationships are very sick when it comes to dealing with their affairs; no peace, no understanding, no forgiveness, no love, no joy, quarrels ND fights now and then.
In this first edition of Healthy Relationship, I want to talk about Perfect Marriage.
How can one know when marriage is perfect? In our world today, couples divorce everyday because they lack understanding and tolerance that is needed in marriage. And they also lack the wisdom and the knowledge of what marriage is all about.
I want to talk about these problems and their solutions. I want talk about how you can make your marriage a perfect one according to biblical instructions.
God is the one who ordained marriage from the beginning of the world, He also has a plan for it.

Author: Nancy Daniel


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